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In Colorado, all aspects of the sex trade—whether selling sex, buying sex, promoting it, or profiting from it—are completely illegal. Prostitution (selling) and Solicitation (buying) are bifurcated into separate laws. Colorado does allow for criminal record relief for survivors of trafficking. Survivors in Colorado must prove the underlying offense and subsequent record was “proximately caused by” or “as a direct result of” being trafficked. In 2024, the Colorado legislature added human trafficking of an adult or a minor for the purpose of involuntary servitude and human trafficking of an adult or a minor for sexual servitude to the list of crimes of violence that are subject to enhanced sentencing.
Prostitution laws of
- Section 18-7-201 - Prostitution prohibited
- Section 18-7-201.3 - Affirmative defense - human trafficking - expungement of record protective order - definitions
- Section 18-7-201.4 - Victim of human trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude - provision of services - reporting
- Section 18-7-202 - Soliciting for prostitution
- Section 18-7-203 - Pandering
- Section 18-7-204 - Keeping a place of prostitution
- Section 18-7-205 - Patronizing a prostitute
- Section 18-7-207 - Prostitute making display
- Section 18-7-209 - Immunity from prostitution-related offenses - victims - human trafficking of a minor for involuntary servitude - human trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude
- Section 18-7-201 - Prostitution prohibited
- Section 18-7-201.3 - Affirmative defense - human trafficking - expungement of record protective order - definitions
- Section 18-7-201.4 - Victim of human trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude - provision of services - reporting
- Section 18-7-202 - Soliciting for prostitution
- Section 18-7-203 - Pandering
- Section 18-7-204 - Keeping a place of prostitution
- Section 18-7-205 - Patronizing a prostitute
- Section 18-7-207 - Prostitute making display
- Section 18-7-209 - Immunity from prostitution-related offenses - victims - human trafficking of a minor for involuntary servitude - human trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude
Trafficking laws of
- Section 18-3-501 - Legislative declaration
- Section 18-3-502 - Definitions
- Section 18-3-503 - Human trafficking for involuntary servitude - human trafficking of a minor for involuntary servitude
- Section 18-3-504 - Human trafficking for sexual servitude - human trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude
- Section 18-3-505 - Human trafficking council - created - duties - repeal
Vacatur Laws
- Statute: Colo. Rev. Stat. § 24-72-707