The 2024 cohort of STAND includes 11 survivors of many forms of trafficking from across the country who are leading the way in combating exploitation in their states.
The Survivor Training, Advocacy, Networking, and Development (STAND) Fellowship Program is a dynamic speakers bureau coalition of survivor advocates leading trauma-informed change in their communities. Through mentorship, education, and network opportunities, World Without Exploitation provides a platform for the advocacy work of these lived experience experts working at the forefront of the fight against sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Representing diverse backgrounds and experiences, these survivor-leaders are shaping impactful change and amplifying their voices nationwide.
The STAND Program provides survivors intensive skill building training, individual advocacy mentoring sessions, and cohort meetings. STAND Program participants gain invaluable skills by presenting trainings in their respective communities and beyond.
If you are a survivor wanting to hone your training skills and repertoire, we will be opening submissions for our next cohort in May 2025. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Programs Manager Sarina Cooper at
Members of the STAND program have made significant strides in advocating for trauma-informed, survivor-centered approaches within their communities. These leaders have delivered impactful trainings to law enforcement, service providers, and policymakers in their states, ensuring that those on the front lines addressing exploitation are equipped with a deeper understanding of the complexities involved. In addition, they have utilized their voices to influence public opinion by writing powerful op-eds published in their local newspapers. Through the STAND program, they have found a supportive community of fellow survivor-leaders, further strengthening their resolve and amplifying their collective impact. Their participation in a panel at the 2024 WorldWE conference highlighted the critical role of survivor expertise in shaping policies and practices. The STAND program is an innovative initiative that not only provides survivors with the skills and tools needed for these advanced trainings but also recognizes and uplifts their invaluable contributions to the fight against exploitation.
“Most people selling sex are like me, they are doing it because they are desperate. Many are forced to because they are from, or have come from, homes where abuse is the norm. They are runaway youth, drug addicted, or from some other bad situation.”
~ LJ, Published in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette April 7, 2024
“I was in the real sex trade – not the glamorized fantasy of female empowerment that tries to put a shiny gloss on experiences like mine. The sex trade isn’t glamorous. My experiences were degrading, violent, and exploitative. I did not make a choice to be there. I was a child. By the time I was of a legal age to decide what to do with my life, I had convinced myself this was my only option, my best option. “
~ Gigi, Published in the Times Union February 18, 2024