Emily Nielsen Jones

Founding Partner & Trustee

Imago Dei Fund

Emily is a donor-activist engaged in promoting human equality, justice, and peace around the world. She is particularly passionate and engaged in the nexus of faith, gender, and development and working to mobilize our faith traditions to more fully and unambiguously embrace gender equality. She is the founding partner and trustee of the Imago Dei Fund and the co-author/convener of a project called The Girl Child & Her Long Walk to Freedom, which invites participants to better understand the historic and religious roots of patriarchal oppression that persist in our world today and “put faith to work through love” to transform harmful gender norms.  Emily has a BA in Government from Dartmouth College and a Master’s in Educational Policy from Boston University. She is a trained Spiritual Director through both the Selah Spiritual Direction Certificate Program and the Still Harbor Spiritual Direction Practicum.